Our commitment to respect the human being and develop an ethical spirit as well as the will to develop our resources and talents constitute a strategic axis of Samsic Emalec’s CSR policy.
The preservation of the environment as well as the contribution to the development of a united and sustainable society are strong commitments for each of our employees.
Samsic Emalec’s CSR policy is based on these 4 axes and is broken down into 10 commitments.
- Promouvoir la diversité et l’égalité des chances
- Former et développer nos talents
- Protéger la santé et la sécurité de nos employés
- Développer la cohésion et le bien-être au travail
Emalec is able to carry out maintenance work throughout Europe.
However, the different cultures, regulations and languages mean that maintenance and work services must be entrusted to local professionals. In order to ensure a uniform quality of service, in 2016 Emalec created the Emalec Partner label, which brings together its network of partners throughout Europe.
The aim of this charter is for each partner to commit to the same QSE and CSR principles as Emalec.
- Develop the use of environmentally friendly products and processes
- Controlling our energy consumption and recycling our waste
- Reduce our carbon footprint
Emalec technicians are made aware of eco-driving from the moment they are recruited so that they can adopt the right gestures.
An environmental management system is used to optimise the technicians’ rounds and to reduce the amount of fire extinguishing equipment used. Our technicians have professional waste collection cards.
The group’s employees have access to electric bicycles for their home-work journeys.
We are also sensitive to the recycling of our waste and invest in the reuse of our waste (plastic cups, bottle caps, etc.).
We are also signatories to the responsible purchasing charter, which aims to formalise the group’s ethical principles towards service providers and suppliers.
- Acting for solidarity
- Participating in local economic and cultural development
We have a civic commitment to several associations and participate in local development by sponsoring actions or festivals.
- Ensure that we listen to our customers, provide expertise and seek innovation
- Evaluating our performance with transparency
- Building a sustainable partnership with our value chain
Samsic Emalec integrates the stakes of performance, well-being and flexibility by finding efficient and sustainable solutions that enhance and optimise living and working places.
Our CEO Pierre CHEVALIER talks about diversity and inclusion at the Rhône 2022 eloquence competition
Samsic publishes its 2022 CSR Report
Samsic has released its new Corporate Social Responsibility report, in line with the “Samsic Planet 2030” programme. The aim of the programme is to create sustainable services for the Group’s customers and an eco-friendly workplace for its employees.
At Samsic, CSR is at the forefront of the Group’s strategy and central to the key decisions we make.
Our Samsic Planet 2030 programme is based on four pillars divided into 13 commitments, and reflects our main CSR challenges for the coming years:
- Climate: encourage sustainable practices to reduce our footprint and commit to a Low Carbon Pathway
- Sustainable offer: create innovative services to help our customers reach their environmental objectives
- Diversity and inclusion: tackle discrimination to reduce inequality and provide support for the most vulnerable individuals
- Quality of life at work: prevent risks, maintain our employees’ health, and contribute to their well-being
- Responsible purchasing: work with our value chain to optimise the social and environmental impact of our activities
- Ethics and compliance: ensure that respect, trust, and transparency are at the core of our dealings with our stakeholders
- Biodiversity: support reforestation to restore ecosystems and mitigate climate change
- Our employees’ citizen involvement: encourage our employees to take part in charitable causes
The Samsic Planet 2030 programme mainly contributes to reaching eight Sustainable Development Goals to protect our planet, reduce inequality, and ensure well-being for all.
Our commitments are reflected daily in the field through our employees’ concrete initiatives which go well beyond current regulations and standards.
Read about the Group’s 2022 CSR successes and performance in this new report. We all have the means, at our own level, to take action to preserve our society and our planet!
Performance RSE Ecovadis
Emalec obtained a score of 76/100 on the Ecovadis evaluation platform and received the “Platinum” certification, this level of certification being awarded to only 1% of companies evaluated.
Ecovadis is a collaborative platform allowing companies to evaluate the quality of their CSR management system by answering a questionnaire and providing specific documents or elements justifying the CSR actions implemented throughout the year.
The evolution of the score acquired by Emalec and the level of certification obtained demonstrates a real commitment to CSR.
Global Compact
Since 2011, we have supported the principles of the UN Global Compact on Human Rights, working conditions, respect for the environment and the fight against corruption.
EMALEC marks and reinforces its commitment to the following points:
Human rights
- Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
- Not to be complicit in human rights abuses
Labour law
- Businesses should respect freedom of association and recognise the right to collective bargaining
- Elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
- Effective abolition of child labour
- Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
- Businesses should adopt the precautionary principle in dealing with environmental problems
- Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
- And to encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
Fight against corruption
- Companies are urged to fight corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery